Published 31 July 2020
As a follow on from our newsletter series providing updates on COVID-19, we have compiled an eBook “Employment Law in the COVID-19 Era”, a comprehensive resource for small business owners, employers, and human resource professionals.
The eBook includes many of the updates we released as the crisis developed, but also contains some brand new content, addressing some of the critical employment law issues arising from COVID-19 in Australia, including:
- Cessation of employment, including:
- implementation of stand down directions under section 524 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the FW Act); and
- redundancies.
- The Fair Work Commission’s temporary changes to modern awards.
- The laws around leave, including annual leave, long service leave, personal leave in the COVID-19 context and the effect on leave entitlements during a stand down under section 524 of the FW Act.
- An overview of the JobKeeper scheme and the various amendments to the FW Act.
- Best practice suggestions for employers moving forward.
Click the link to download a copy of the eBook:
Note: Working Knowledge is now Working Knowledge.
The content of this publication is general in nature and provides a summary of the issues covered. It is not intended to be, nor should it be relied upon, as legal or professional advice for specific employment situations. Working Knowledge recommends that specialist legal advice should be sought about specific legal issues.